Heather A. Sullivan
Yada-Yada... About Me
My Philosophy
When faced with the question, “What kind of Web 2.0 tools are you using with your students?”, many educators might respond: “I didn’t even know there was a Web 1.0!” Before we can truly see the successful, pervasive permeation of collaborative internet technology in Education, we must help our colleagues understand what Web 2.0 means. In order to experience a ubiquitous and transparent use of collaborative internet technology in our schools, I believe ALL educators must be able to:
- Differentiate between Web 1.0 & Web 2.0
- Understand why internet collaboration is ESSENTIAL for 21st Century learners
- Truly believe that it is essential
- Use at least one Web 2.0 tool on a consistent basis (both personaly AND professionaly)
Where to Find Me
Please see sidebar at right
Heather A. Sullivan
Freehold Regional High School District
30 Church Lane, Manalapan, NJ 07726 ~ 732.792.7200 ~ hsullivan@frhsd.com
MANALAPAN HIGH SCHOOL; Manalapan, NJ (1999 – Present)
Peer Technology Facilitator (Fall 2005 – Present)
- Facilitate peer tutoring in using educational software, MS Office suite, ancillary technology including Smartboards, LCD projectors, and portable laptop labs, and Internet tools such as Moodle, blogs, webcasts, and interactive educational games.
- Conduct professional development workshops on increasing classroom use of technology, and directing effective student website use through credibility analysis, and appropriate, effective search techniques.
Pilot Program Teacher (Fall 2004 – Present)
- Enhanced learning in Environmental Studies class by incorporating monthly student magazine, Environmental Health Perspectives for High School Students published by National Institute of Environmental Studies, and web-based activities into existing curriculum.
- Collaborated with Environmental & Occupational Health Studies Institute of Rutgers / UMDNJ (University of Medicine & Dentistry New Jersey) to implement use of technology in making current scientific research relevant to real life by exposing students to professional scientists via live webcasts and Q&A sessions.
Biology, Marine and Environmental Science Teacher (Fall 1999 – Present)
- Experienced teaching both mainstream and special education inclusion classes as tenured educator at New Jersey’s largest high school district, Freehold Regional High School District (FRHSD).
- Well practiced as a student teacher mentor
ST. MARY SCHOOL; Deal, NJ (1997-Present)
CCD Instructor / Assistant Director
- Administer Catholic Catechism instruction for K-8th grade students.
- Spearhead efforts to recruit and manage CCD instructors.
MAC TESTING CENTER; Red Bank, NJ (1999-2001)
Summer Science Camp Director
- Created and implemented alternative outdoor science program for middle school students.
SAT Prep Tutor
- Prepared students for SAT examinations by supervising small group math review seminars and managing individual writing skills sessions.
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology, 1995
· Minor in Sociology
Master of Science in Instructional Systems Technology, Currently pursuing
E.S.P.: Engaging Students Through the Use of PowerPoint
- Awarded funding for laptop computer through Federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), Fall 2004
STAR Discovery Educator, Fall 2005- Present
Teacher of the Month, Manalapan High School, December 2007-January 2008
Education Showcase Participant, Fall 2007
- Featured in a sit-down television interview on the award-winning, nationally syndicated show, Education Showcase
Technology Showcase Participant, Fall 2006
1st Annual FRHSD Grant Proposal Competition, Fall 2004
- Winner / Recipient of Laptop Computer
Teacher of the Year Runner-Up, Spring 2004-2007
- Nominated for demonstrating love of teaching, commitment to assist students, and willingness to collaborate and share ideas with colleagues.
Featured in local Press Education Coverage
District Technology Committee- FRHSD, Present
Local Professional Development Committee Chair – FRHSD, 2006- Present
Professional Learning Community (PLC) Implementation Team Member – Fall 2007- Present
Technology Application Committee (TAC) Co-Chair – Manalapan High School, Fall 2007- Present
Technology Advancement Committee Chair - Manalapan High School, Summer 2007- Present
Professional Learning Community Coordination Team Member - FRHSD, Summer 2007- Present
Biology Curriculum Develpoment/Revision Team Member - FRHSD, Summer 2007- Present
Discovery Educator Network Leadership Council Member- Online Community 2006- Present
Discovery Educator Network Blog Coordinator for NJ- Spring 2007-Present
Technology Facilitation Team Member - FRHSD, 2005 - Present
Student Teacher Mentor – Manalapan High School, Fall 2005
Varsity Tennis Coach – Manalapan High School , 2000 – 2002
Special Olympics Tennis Coach – Middletown, NJ , 1997 – 1999
Emergency Medical Technician – Tinton Falls, NJ, 1996 – 1998
NJECC Meetings & Annual Conference, NJAET Annual Conference, NJETTC Meetings, Monmouth University Days of Discovery, NECC National Conference, NSTA Annual Conference, Discovery Education Virtual Conferences/Webinars/Regional Institutes
Discovery Educator Network NJ Blog
FRHSD Technology Integration Clearinghouse
Tech With Me (Educational Technology Wiki)
It Doesn't Get Much Better Than This
Coming Soon: NJEA Digital Communications Blog
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